It has been several months from my last post. The cross-country trip was spectacular! We visited so many landmarks and beautiful landscapes of the USA.
Saying goodbye to everyone in VT and Melrose. Picking Matt up from the airport after missing him so much while he was in FL. Packing the car, trying to fit everything. So sad to leave everyone. Dinner at Brooksby with Anma and everyone else. Calvin's parting firework!;
Visiting and dinner with the Amherst gang. Warren's gin and tonics....;
Feeling the freedom of the road after leaving Amherst. Hooting and hollering with joy... knowing that our lives were changing!;
Double rainbows at Niagara Falls. Pitching the tent for the first time after ominous clouds, high winds, and a downpour; Crossing from Canada into Michigan.;
Camping at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore; huge bugs hitting and swarming the car... then they chased Matt around the site..... Deciding that the Aerobed was way too tall to fit in the tent, as our heads were super close to the top;
The beautiful campground site at Myre-Big Island State Park. Long winding walk through fields by the lake. Deer eating and sleeping... gorgeous pink sunset.... Doe and fawns across the site... bunnies everywhere... first campfire of the trip.... Racoons in the tree above our tent freaking us out during the middle of the night, mistaking them for large deer!;
More to come......